Gold County Senior Services provides senior nutrition programs for older adults in Western Nevada County. They provide hot nutritious meals in a warm and friendly setting that provides older adults an opportunity to socialize. Each meal is prepared fresh and from scratch.
Congregate Lunch Cafe
Nevada City Senior Apartments
231 Colfax Ave, Grass Valley, CA 95945
Lunch is served at noon, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday in person
They do not serve meals on holidays or when roads are unsafe to travel.
How to Join In
Anyone 60 years of age and older is encouraged to attend. Other individuals may attend as guests for a fee. On your first visit to the Congregate Lunch Café, you will be asked to complete a participant information form.
Suggested voluntary contribution $3.00 per day.
Please note that no eligible senior will be denied participation in the program because of failure or inability to contribute.
Guests that are 59 and younger are welcome to attend but will be charged a fee of $7.00 per meal.
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