The Nevada County Community Library offers comprehensive public library services to residents of Nevada County.
Services include:
- Reference assistance and access to digital database resources.
- Borrowing privileges for books, movies, music, electronic format materials, and California State Parks passes.
- Access to a computer lab with internet, printers, and a 3-D printer.
- Computer and technology classes and many other online resources.
- Collaborative Technology Center
- Story time and reading programs for children and teens, including Dial-a-Story.
- Gene Albaugh Community Room meeting space for community groups.
- Doris Foley Library for Historical Research.
- One-on-one tutoring to improve reading and writing skills for individuals age 16 and up.
- Job search resources.
- Book Buddy program to deliver circulation materials to home bound individuals.
- Lawyer in the Library program for free 15-minute meetings with an attorney (PLEASE NOTE: this is a program of the Nevada County Library at the Madelyn Helling and Truckee branches, NOT the Nevada County Superior Court Law Library in downtown Nevada City.)
- Interlibrary Loan provides access to materials from libraries outside of Nevada County.
- Suggest a purchase and Zip Books. Through the Zip Book program, library users request books or audiobooks that the Nevada County Library does not own. The Library then orders the item, which is shipped directly to the library user’s home. When the library user is finished with the item, they return it to the Library, where it is added to the Library’s collection for others to borrow.
- Adult Literacy and ESL
Library locations may also have an emergency response role in case of disaster, Public Safety Power Shutoffs, etc.
Web pages
This is a Ready to Grow (R2G) resource. Ready to Grow is a First 5 Nevada County program to connect children 0-5 with services and information that support their well-being. Organizations with programs that have this R2G tag may have additional programs of interest to families.