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  (Found 4 results)
Program: Job Training Program
Agency: Mexican American Opportunity Foundation-ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES
Provides vocational training services and GED assistance.
2130 Chester Avenue
Bakersfield CA 93301 United States
Phone: 661-336-6826
Program: California Department of Rehabilitation
Agency: California Department of Rehabilitation
Vocational rehabilitation services which include: assessment of disabilities, job placement services ...
4925 Commerce Drive
Bakersfield CA 93309 United States
Program: New Life Recovery and Training Center
Agency: New Life Recovery and Training Center
Program provides residential services and support services include: 24 hour residential care, p ...
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3501 Edison Highway
Bakersfield CA 93307 United States
Program: Seasonal Farm Workers
Agency: America's Job Center of California
Provides English as a second language (ESL)  classes through the Bakersfield Adult School. Prog ...
1600 East Belle Terrace
Bakersfield CA 93307 United States
Phone: 661-325-4473
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