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  (Found 6 results)
Program: Volunteer Center
Agency: Volunteer Center
Provides assistance in recruiting manpower and volunteers for non-profit agencies, charities and gov ...
1311 Eye Street
Bakersfield CA 93301 United States
Program: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Agency: The Open Door Network
Provides crisis hotline, emergency shelter,  and hospital accompaniment, case management, group ...
Agency: Junior League of Bakersfield
Provides volunteer and leadership training to women who are dedicated to improving the community
Phone: 661-322-1671
Program: Junior League Of Bakersfield
Agency: Junior League of Bakersfield
Provides volunteer and leadership training to women who are dedicated to improving the community &nb ...
1928 19th Street
Bakersfield CA 93303 United States
Phone: 661-322-1671
Program: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program
Agency: Community Action Partnership of Kern
Provides free tax preparation services for low to moderate income families and individuals. Also pr ... ...
300 19th Street
Bakersfield CA 93301 United States
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