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You may either type in an agency/program name, or choose a suggested service as you type, then click the button.
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Using the Resource Database
We hope you'll be able to find what you need here, but if you need more help, you can always call our Information Line at 919-713-1556, Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Tips for using the database: Type in words related to the topic you are searching for and the system will search for those words within our keyword list as well as the names of programs.

Need Help? Email RFS Information Department

Highlighted Resources
Program: RFS/ Information Referral
Program: RFS/ Total Life Center/Cary, Bond Park
Program: RFS/ Total Life Center/Departure Drive
Program: RFS/ Total Life Center/East Wake
Program: RFS/ Total Life Center/Garner
Program: RFS/ Weatherization Assistance Program